Saturday, March 26, 2011

A Napa Fairytale: Epilogue

After we rode off into the night (around the parking lot 2 times), the party was officially over. Darn.

There was a surge of last-minute goodbyes and a rush to gather all of the wedding stuff. Luckily, I wasn't in charge of anything and was able to enjoy saying goodnight to our guests. My ceremony dress and purple heels magically made it into our car, as did 2 cases of our favorite V. Sattui wines. Gifts, cards, boxes, and flowers were loaded up into a few different cars to be sorted later when we all recovered.

We have already discussed that while my groom could take a few turns around a parking lot, he wasn't hitting the road. I, on the other hand, ended up sober-Sally at my own wedding, which if you know me, is weird! Being too busy running around and making sure everything was going well, dancing, and chatting with guests means I never actually sat down to drink my own wine. I had a full glass at dinner and that was about it. I would put down and pick up my glass throughout the rest of the party, trying to drink it, but never managing to have it refilled. Which in hindsight, is actually perfect!

My MOH said he would meet me at our hotel to help with my husband, who by this point's just say resting his eyes in the car. My parents drove us back down the wine trail to downtown Napa, where John and Steve were waiting outside of the hotel. Bless them. We carried him over the threshold.  I left my husband to be cared for by John, while Steve came with me to pull out a few bags from the mess in our cars.

Crap! Where is my wedding night lingerie? No worries, I thought, he's never gonna remember. We returned upstairs to our hotel room and I walked in to this:

Amazing. Groom face down in his tux.

John said he helped take off his shoes, but that was about all he could do. I kissed my helpers goodnight, sure to have a great time at breakfast in the morning, and sat down in the chair opposite my husband and just laughed. Not what I had in mind for our wedding night, but this was almost better. :)

I finally laid my head down around 1:30 AM, after peeling off my sleeping husband's tux and rolling him to his left side. I won't even mention what I cleaned off his tux jacket. Let's just say I earned the title of world's best wife, into the wee hours of the morning on my wedding night as I scrubbed the coat he was married in.

I could hear the universe whisper to me, "Welcome to marriage, darling."

The End.

(all professional wedding photos in recaps by Luke Snyder Studio)

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