Monday, February 21, 2011

A Napa Fairytale: Invitation to Dinner

Seriously, you start to have such a good time that everything runs together! When I saw this photo I couldn't place it in the night at all-- and I loved it!

After our first dance I can't recall what happened but there was commotion about our parents' seating arrangements that I had to fix and I remember wanting to hurry because I wasn't listening to my dad's welcome speech. After a little switch-eroo, I joined Mr. Barrettes at the front of my room and we had some laughs courtesy of Dad Barrettes. So love his purple tie and cummerbund.

While everyone was seated, I asked my mom to take the opportunity say hello and let our guests know that the wine charms affixed to their wine bags were for use during the evening. The charms I spent so much time making suddenly looked so small in comparison to the evening.

If I had to make them again I would make them much bigger, not so dainty. Check out Mrs. Jellyfish's. It's one thing to look at them up close and see the detail-- it's another to actually be functional. I may have even used wine cozies (which lay on the entire base of the glass) instead of tags.

Mr. Barrettes and I made some quick rounds while everyone was being seated. He headed left towards family and I headed right, towards friends. Yes we should have gone together, but things just happen and your head isn't always on straight with all that sensory-overload. I ended up taking a seat at the table that held my girlfriends from highschool, and honestly I could have stayed there all night! And almost did--oops!

Love this photo. Brothers.
(photos by Luke Snyder Studio)

It's so lovely that weddings bring your favorite people together, but such a shame that you cannot devote enough attention to each and every guest. It's almost like a cruel joke being able to see friends you haven't seen for years, but only being able to spend less than 10 minutes with them personally!

How did you handle your rounds? Mrs. Octopus made a great suggestion about starting with family and saving friends you see often until last.

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