Friday, October 22, 2010

A Bee's Life

How did you find Weddingbee?
When I became engaged, a fashion-forward and lifelong New Yorker friend of mine suggested I check out a site called Weddingbee, where she had spent a lot of time finding inspiration for her wedding. I'd always admired her style, so I figured she was on to something! I don't remember when it was that I actually clicked on the site, but I do remember Mrs. Espresso starting her recaps and being obsessed with her mountain wedding details.

What is your application story?
I started blogging under the title, The Breezy Bride as a way to stay in touch with my family and friends in the States about my journey into the white dress. I was so far away and felt like I needed to get all my wedding ideas and feelings out, without bothering my co-workers, who were uninterested. I was a bridal-blog junkie. I was still following Weddingbee, and really liked the Crafts generation as they were introduced.  I was over 1 year to our wedding, and I wasn't doing any DIY projects or dress shopping, so I tried to find my bridal style.  In the beginning there are just so many options! My inspiration stage was very long.

When the 8-month mark finally rolled around, I decided to apply to be a blogger. The Sea Creature generation had just rolled out and I was obsessed with the starfish. Living in Guam, I felt like this was a sign to send in the application. Let me tell you-- don't apply just because you want a certain icon! That is the wrong reason and you aren't seeing the big picture! I wanted that starfish so bad and when Miss Starfish was introduced a week later, I was super bummed. I still held out hope that I would hear from someone, but at 5 weeks I still hadn't heard a peep. I emailed Penguin directly, as per the instructions. She emailed me quickly to say that she had never received my application and that she would look into it pronto. Around 2 weeks later I was rejected. Bummer. But strangely, I was so relieved! I was putting so much pressure on myself! I was becoming unreasonable!

So I stopped reading Weddingbee for awhile- I needed some space from it. I realized my blog wasn't what I wanted it to be and I was trying too hard to be a "bee". I decided to release myself from that. So instead I began blogging about other things, my show, dance, life on Guam, my dog, random pretty inspiration, and sometimes wedding stuff would creep in there. Then I just stopped. I shut my computer and sat at the beach and read books. But I missed it after a few weeks. So I changed the title, changed the look, and came back refreshed. My writing became more ME.

I thought about applying just one more time. Weddingbee was my only friend for what felt like years. (I lived on Guam and all my friends were single and partying!) I wanted to honor the site's place in my process, so I thought I'd give it one more go. I waited until I was closer to the time I would be leaving Guam so that I wasn't in an inspiration stage anymore. I re-wrote my application. It was like a completely different person wrote it. Instead of being nervous about being accepted, I just let it go! I felt like if I wasn't chosen, it wasn't because I hadn't represented myself well. I loved my blog and I knew my bridal style. I was confident.

I didn't realize I had sort of forgotten about it until I woke up one morning, checked my blackberry, and there was a welcome email from Penguin! Omigod, REALLY?! I couldn't believe it! I had to read it at least 10 times before it sank in. It was awesome. When it came time to choose my moniker, those orange flower barrettes looked so "me", I could feel it all come together. It was a sweet little dream come true!

What is it like being a bee?
Time-consuming and super fun at the same time. I didn't realize how much time I would actually spend! It's not only writing posts, but also reading everyone else's posts, commenting, and being part of the community. You don't want to be a bee who wants everyone else's opinion, but doesn't participate in other bees' journeys. The camaraderie is uplifting and I feel like I've gained a whole new group of girlfriends. Even though you are reading this at your computer, and I'm typing it at mine, there is a connection between us that is very fulfilling to me. It's nice to know there are kind and interested minds on the other side of the screen.

If you want to be a bee blogger, my suggestion is to really blog for YOURSELF. My first time I was trying too hard to be crafty, cool, girlie, whatever. Not to mention that I was trying to be an icon! When I let go of what I thought a bee should be, I found myself "Miss Barrettes"!

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