Wednesday, April 27, 2011

DIY I Couldn't Resist Sharing

I know I said 'bye, but sometimes things are just too cute not to share.

This pretty DIY cigar box from Cathe Holden caught my eye and my first thought was, "some bride, some where will totally run with this".

So wish I would have found this in my planning days. Cigars aren't really my thing, but being showcased in a pretty box would win me over. Packed with Cubans-- this is a winner!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Thank You

With my recaps written, it's time to step aside. *sniff, sniff*

I'd almost plan another wedding just to keep blogging for the 'bee, but then again, I'm happily wedding-ed out. I'm pretty sure Miss Sparkler is planning my dream city-wedding, so I'll live vicariously through her and all the newbees with their gorgeous and unique weddings.

Blogging here has been so much fun and I'm so thankful I had an entire hive of women to share this experience with. No matter how many years pass, I'll never be able to think of our wedding without also thinking of Weddingbee. You will be one of the first 'tings' of our wine glasses as we try to celebrate every wedding anniversary in Napa.

Thank you for following along with me-- just knowing you were on the other side of the screen was a comfort in itself. Sometimes all a girl needs to know is that someone is listening. With that said, remember to go easy on yourself. It's supposed to be fun! If it's not fun, take some time off to re-charge your spirit and come back to planning with a fresh perspective. On your wedding day, relish. every. minute.

You'll still find me lurking in bee's recaps, but if you miss me I'm @breezynunnz. Mr. Barrettes and I plan on enjoying our last few months on Guam before moving back to the States, where Charlotte, NC is currently at the top of our short list.

It's not the end... the wedding is only the beginning...

With love,
Mrs. Barrettes